register pool warranty

Register Your SwimUSA Pools Warranty

To validate your warranty, you must complete the registration form found on this page within 60 days from the date of installation. Once your warranty registration is received it will be reviewed, and if the photos show it was properly installed you will be emailed a copy of your warranty. If we have questions we will contact you to discuss. Upon completion of the warranty registration form you will be provided a link to download the Owner’s Manual.  If you have any questions you can email or  call (609) 561-9300

Our updated Platinum Warranty Coverage is for pools manufactured starting on February 1, 2023. Pools manufactured prior to that date have standard warranty coverage that was in effect at the time the pool was manufactured.

Warranty Registration

  • Name of person completing this form. If form is completed by anyone other than the homeowner, list Company and Person completing form.
  • Can skip if Homeowner is completing form. Homeowner email to be entered below under the Homeowner section.
  • Can skip if Homeowner is completing form. Homeowner phone number to be entered below under the Homeowner section.
  • Homeowner Information

  • Purchasing/Installation Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • COMPLETE INSTALLATION: Contractor pulls permits, installs pool, does electrical and patio. ASSISTED INSTALLATION: Homeowner acts as the General Contractor and pull permits, coordinate necessary excavation and offloading equipment, electrical and patio. Contractor installs pool. DIY KIT: Homeowner coordinates everything
  • SwimUSA Shells Used in Pool Project

    There are many components to a pool project. SwimUSA Fiberglass Pools manufactures fiberglass pool, spa and ledge shells that are used in overall pool projects. Speak with your installer about other warranties for items like a pump, filter, heater, cover, etc.
  • You will need to register each shell separately. This lets us know the total number of shells you purchased.
  • Select the model of your SwimUSA pool, spa, or ledge. If your project included multiple shells (ie: pool and spa) complete a warranty registration form for each shell. Each one will have a different order number and different serial number.
  • Select the color of your SwimUSA pool, spa, or ledge.
  • This is a 5 digit number that was assigned to the order by SwimUSA when it was purchased by one of our dealers.
  • This is a series of letters and numbers that was assigned to the specific shell manufactured by SwimUSA Fiberglass Pools.
  • Photo Submissions

    SwimUSA Requires that photographs be submitted showing proper installation. Contact the SwimUSA dealer who installed your pool for pictures if needed.
  • (Lifting Equipment) The lifting equipment can be a boom truck, crane, or excavator and must be capable of lifting the weight of the pool from a vertical distance of between 22’ and 30’ from the ground to the attachment point above the center of the pool to the equipment that will allow the safe handling of the pool. These distances will depend upon the size of the pool, the type of trailer used to deliver the pool and the number of pools on the load. SwimUSA Fiberglass Pools requires that all pools be lifted with 4 lifting straps that are 30 feet in length and have a lifting capability of at least 1500 pounds. Although our pools are built strong enough, all pools need to be lifted with a spreader bar, using a single piece of equipment. One end of each lifting strap is to be attached to the chains, which are located on the four corners of the pool, supported by the extra mounds of stitch mat. The other end of the lifting straps will be a􀀂 ached to the lifting bar that is located on the crane or lifting equipment. Any pool lifted with two machines, one at each end, will void the warranty.
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    Max. file size: 300 MB.
    • A minimum of an 8-inch diameter pipe needs to be installed in the deep end of the pool. It should be PVC and perforated the bottom 4-feet of the pipe. This will allow you to visually look down into the stone in the deep end of the pool to see if there is any standing water. If removal of water is required, a simple submersible pump could remove the water. The top of the pipe should then be finished with a skimmer lid.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 300 MB.
      • Photo of hole with stone base. Stone base/foundation should be plate tampered.
        Drop files here or
        Max. file size: 300 MB.
        • We recommend 3/8" clean gravel be used for backfill around the pool and under all steps and tanning ledges. A photo of the backfilling is required for the warranty to be activated. After approximately 12" of water is in the pool and backfill has been placed evenly, the backfill and water should always be +/- 12" of each other.
          Drop files here or
          Max. file size: 300 MB.
          • All pools must have a concrete beam installed regardless of a stone or concrete cantilever or decking around the pool. A photo showing the bond beam around the pool is required for the warranty to be activated. Lack of a concrete beam will void the warranty.
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            Max. file size: 300 MB.
            • All pools must have the top of the fiberglass pool coping covered with either a stone or concrete cantilever. An exposed coping will void the warranty.
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              Max. file size: 300 MB.
              • Upload multiple pictures to show the water level at the shallow/step end of the pool versus the deep/opposite end.
                Drop files here or
                Max. file size: 300 MB.
                • Upload photos of completed pool.
                  Drop files here or
                  Max. file size: 300 MB.
                  • If there are other pictures of your pool project you would like to submit to be placed with your warranty registration you can upload them here.
                    Drop files here or
                    Max. file size: 300 MB.
                    • Is it okay for SwimUSA to use the pictures you submitted for training and/or marketing purposes?